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The First SCANDAL Band Forum & Fansite
The First SCANDAL Band Forum & Fansite
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Post  Admin Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:02 am


Rules Dasar Untuk Para Member & Posters..

stiap member yang mendaftar diharapkan mematuhi beberapa peraturan yang ada di bawah ini demi kenyamanan dalam posting ^^

1.Member yang baru mendaftar mohon mengisi thread perkenalan di board SCANDAL Indo regional.

2.dilarang menjelekkan sesama member, dimohon saling menghormati ^^

3.Dilarang Melakukan Spam / Junk

4. Gunakanlah kata2 yang sopan dan dilarang mengeluarkan kata2 kasar(kata-kata penghinaan)

5.dilarang merusak nama baik sesama member maupun forum

6.mendaftarlah dulu sebelum membaca/memposting bila belum terdaftar agar bisa membaca/memposting di dalam forum

7.mempostinglah di tempat yang sesuai dengan nama board,topic, dan thread

8. dilarang mendaftar 2 kali dengan username yang berbeda. Bila lupa password maupun username lama lebih baik ditanyakan terlebih dahulu kepada admin, apakah username lama akan di delete atau tidak

9.pengunaan avatar berukuran 100 x 100 px

10.Dilarang memposting gambar- gambar yang berbau SARA, simbol-simbol agama, pornografi dalam forum

11.usahakan tidak OOT(out of topic)

12. tiap postingan adalah tanggung jawab individu bukan forum. Jadi setiap isi dari postingan member adalah tanggung jawab dari member tersebut.

13. bila mengambil sumber dari situs lain usahakan mengisi alamat sumber tersebut dibawah berita yang kalian posting

Happy posting ^^


Scandal4-indo forum rules and guidelines.

Registered members are expected to follow the rules that are stated below in order to fully enjoy your stay here. If you have any problems or queries, please feel free to contact one of the Staff Members.

1. If you are a new member, please introduce yourself at so that we can get to know you!!
2. No personal attack to another member, please respect each other ^^
3. Spam and junk are forbidden. Spam is when a user continues to post off topic after being warned.
4. Use of polite language is encouraged, swearing and bad words are not tolerated here.
5. No defamatory act in any form, including to another member or the forum itself.
6. Please kindly register and create your own username/ID if you have not done so, to be able to read or post in the forum.
7. Please check whether you are in the right sub-forum, topic and thread before posting.
8. Creating fake or another account(s) with different username is forbidden. If you have forgot your password or your old username it is advised to ask the administrator whether the old username should be deleted or not.
9. You are allowed to use an avatar, with its size limited to 100 x 100 px.
10. No threads or posts containing pornographic/racist/religiously offensive images or contents ot links is allowed.
11. Please try your best to not digress from the topic or OOT (out of topic).
12. Each individuals are responsible for the contents of their own posting; the forum is not responsible for anything related to the posts.
13. Don't forget to cite and credit external sources if you have taken anything from there and post it here.

Happy posting ^^

Jumlah posting : 561
Join date : 17.06.09
Age : 32
Lokasi : Central Borneo

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